Brown Gravy and White Sauce.

Brown Gravy.

The Brown Gravy is mainly used for pork or beef dishes and personally I find that the easiest way to make the brown gravy is in the frying pan if that has been used for the meat.

If you have been frying Danish Meatballs or steaks in the pan, add some water after you have fried the meat, also add some water from boiled potatoes or vegetables if available, if not then just use tap water or half water and milk or cream and a couple of beef or vegetable stock cubes for a bit more taste.

The amount of water to add depends on how much gravy you need.

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Shaker for Gravy.

Add about ¼ of a cup (75 ml) of water to a little shaker and add 2 large tablespoons of wheat flour and shake well to you have a thick liquid without lumps.

With the liquid in the pan boiling, add the flour and water mixture from the shaker a little at a time while stirring with a whisk until you get the right consistency of the gravy, which is a personal taste.

Add salt and pepper to taste and to colour the gravy use a few drops of Parisian Browning Essence or Gravy Browning. I also usually add about ½ a teaspoon of sugar to bring out the taste.

You can add Pepper corns, Onions or mushrooms to vary the taste of the gravy.

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White Sauce.

The White Sauce is mainly used for Danish Meatballs, Fish and Hams.


    30-40 g margarine or butter
    2 large Tablespoons wheat flour
    1 ½ - 2 cup liquid (about 50% boiling Water, you can use water from the boiled potatoes or vegetables and 50% Milk or Cream.)
    Salt and White Pepper for taste.


Melt the margarine or butter in a saucepan, add all the flour at ones and stir with a whisk until you have a thick paste that doesn’t stick to the saucepan.

Add the liquid, start with the boiling water a little at a time, make sure it is mixed in well every time you add liquid before you add more and bring the sauce to the boil every time as well, otherwise you will end up with lumps in the sauce.

When you have the desired consistency of the mixture, add a little salt and white pepper to taste.

For a white parsley sauce, for Danish Meatballs, you can chop up some fresh parsley and add to the white sauce just before serving.

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