Danish Butter Cookies Recipe.

Danish Butter Cookies.

Danish Butter Cookies Recipe.

Danish Butter Cookies Recipe:

Danish Cookies are well known all over the world, especially around Christmas where you will find them in your local supermarket, whether you are living in USA, Australia or Asia.

It is a big export in Denmark and there are a number of factories that specialise in Danish Cookies, like Kjeldsens Danish Butter cookies and Jacobsen’s Danish Butter cookies. Their production lines spit out about 8000 cookies a minute when up and running and are packed in nicely decorated tins in a variety of sizes.

Why make your own Danish Butter Cookies?.

There is nothing better than getting the smell of fresh baked cookies in your home up to the festive season and you could get the kids to give you a hand, following the Danish Butter Cookies recipe we have on this page, as well.

The cookies is also a good idea for a little pressie for your co-worker, your neighbour or your kids teacher on the last school day before the breakup for Christmas.

Vanilla Rings

Vanilje kranse. Danish Butter Cookies.

Vanilla Rings (Vanilje kranse in Danish).

The Vanilla rings are a popular Danish cookie.

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The melting moments is a specialty from the southern part of Denmark near the German border and is a favourite at Christmas time in Denmark.

The recipe we have here is more then 50 years old.

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Danish Butter Cookie. Specier.


The Specier is a traditionally Danish Butter Cookie and comes in a variety of flavors, Like with nuts, chocolate or sugar.

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This is a very old Danish recipe and in Denmark the butter cookies are actually called Dybbølboller.

This recipe will give you 90 delicious Danish Butter Cookies and are easy to make.

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Finnish  Bread.

Finsk Brød.

Finsk Brød – Finnish Shortbread.

Another delicious, easy to make, Danish Butter Cookie.

Yes, you cannot have to many cookies for the festive holiday, so get your kids involved and get your biscuit tins filled up and fill your home with the sweat aroma of Danish Butter Cookies.

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Brunkager, Danish Christmas Cookies

Brunkager, Danish Christmas cookies, recipe.

Brunkager - Brown Cookies.

The most popular Christmas cookie in Denmark.

When you find the Danish Christmas cookies, Brunkager, in the bakeries you know that Christmas is just around the corner. Why not bake them yourself? It’s easy and the recipe is easy to follow.

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